Your business registration and registration When to register your business name?
Do any business under your own name
It's worth taking the time to come up with a clever business name because this name can really add value to your business.
Include words other than yourself in your business name. For example, Graham Jones Pool Cleaning or Henderson & Sons both require registration.
Do any business under your own name
If you operate a company (including Validity Pvt Ltd) and you wish to trade under a name other than your company name.
The only exemption for registration is if you are trading under your own name: your given name or initials, followed by your surname.
You are not permitted to use an unregistered business name, or a name that is not your own name, or the name of your corporation.
Rights of the owner of a registered business name
If you want to reserve your business name for your own exclusive use, you must apply for trademark registration separately, as the search, application and application processes are completely separate from each other. Business names are not registered:
Prevent others from entering similar names
Prevent any other party from using your business name as a trademark
Prevent existing trademark holders from using your business name (in fact, you may be infringing their rights).
Prevent the other party from taking legal action against you if you violate their rights
Choose your business name
A uniquely identifiable business name, along with the goodwill that comes with the name, is an important asset when you're dealing with consumers, creditors and competitors. It's worth taking the time to come up with a clever business name because this name can really add value to your business.
Your business name should reflect your business type. This will help customers understand what kind of products and services you provide.
Make sure your business name or brand:
small and beautiful
Easy to pronounce and spell
Not deceptive
When you're doing business internationally, check the appropriateness of your business name in other cultures.
Apply for registration
Once you have decided on a name for your business, you will need to contact ASIC to determine whether your business name is still available for registration and to register your business name.
Application can be made online. You must provide the following information:
Your Australian Business Number (ABN) or, at least, an ABN application reference number Business name of your choice and the period for which you want to register, be it one year or three years.
Your place of business
Registering your business name is affordable. It will cost you approx. $35 to register for one year, up from $76 for three years. Once you are registered, you have to fulfil several legal obligations. If you fail to comply with these obligations, you may be fined or lose your business name.
Display your business name or your brand name: It is essential to display your business name outside all of your business locations, as long as the business is open to the public.
Additionally, all your correspondence and documents need to be monogrammed with your business name.
Once your business name is registered, you will receive a record of it. It is recommended that you display this record at your place of business, although it is not enforced.
Renew Your Registration: To use the same business name indefinitely, you must renew your registration. If you neglect to renew your registration, your business name will be removed from the ASIC register and other parties can apply for their registration. If this happens, you must stop operating under that business name.
Update your details: All changes in the ownership of the business must be reported to ASIC within 28 days of the date of the incident, including a change of name or address of the owners. Similarly, if you decide to change your business name or if you notice you've misspelled the name on your application, contact ASIC.
If you plan to close your business, you must send a request to cancel your business name to ASIC at least 28 days in advance. ASIC will then notify the business name holder (and any other person entered on the business name register). This prevents unauthorized attempts to revoke the business name
Trademarking your business name
When you choose your business name, you may want to choose something that is also suitable for trademark registration. If you register your business as a trademark and trade name, you can protect your identity from competitors. Trademark registration gives you unique and exclusive rights to your business name, including sole ownership and protection from illegal use.
Are you looking for debt collection in Queensland?
Business loans can have many causes. Usually you have unpaid invoices from creditors who have not paid you. In this case you want to recover your debt in Queensland and get back on track with your finances.
Once you have decided on a name for your business, you will need to contact ASIC to determine whether your business name is still available for registration and to register your business name. Display your business name or your brand name: It is essential to display your business name outside all of your business locations, as long as the business is open to the public. ASIC will then notify everyone else who entered your business name on the register with the business name holder.