Baby Names - Stop And Think Before You Name Your Baby
Naming your baby can be one of the easiest or toughest decisions in life!! However, naming your child is one of the most important things any parent can do. Sometimes you just 'know' what name you are going to use. Other times you make lists and lists, pin them to the fridge and you still can't decide.
What do you choose:
A family name,
A traditional name
Modern name,
Unusual name,
Or anything you like - it should be perfect!
First things first, if your mom doesn't like the name you've chosen - it doesn't matter, it's your baby or not. The same goes for names that family members insist on using - again it's your child, your decision.
Rare and unique names
Is a name too unusual or too old-fashioned to tease a baby? OK, so you might not pick Tallulah Dos the Hula from Hawaii (it's actually a real name given to a baby), but being the only kid in school or neighborhood with that name might make him stand out. Is. This can be a good thing, sometimes it's good to be a little different. Although occasionally grinding out an unusual name, you'll want them to always spell out their name to make sure it's spelled correctly. If you involve their older brother or sister in choosing the name, you could be headed for disaster!
Common name
If your child has the same name as six other kids in their class, chances are they will be known by something else, (not your choice) their initials or my favorite, their first and last initials. John B, John F, or John K - just to establish who they are.
Family name
Sometimes a certain name has a long tradition in your family. We thought the names we chose were reasonably uncommon in the family, but a little research on the family tree revealed a lot of them. This satisfied us because now our son had a family name, not just one we liked.
You may feel pressured to choose a family name that may not be a good fit, but you can choose it as a middle name and make a lot of people happy. Be careful though, just because you have a lot of Wilfreds in your family, your dad is called Wilfred and you like the name, doesn't mean it's cool to be named Wilfred in this day and age. You will do your child a disservice if you decide to give him a name that has long gone out of fashion.
A name that reminds you of someone
Some names evoke bad memories or remind you of people you dislike. You may not want to be reminded every time your child calls. Equally, your partner might not feel comfortable naming your child the same name as your ex's, even if it's a good name.
Common name:
Are you picking a name that's trendy now, but will be weird just five years from now? Remember your child's name will be there for life, if they want to be a lawyer or a doctor, do they really want to be known as Elvis? People make assumptions about people by their names. Do you want your daughter's CV to be put at the back of the pile for a solicitor's office because it's called Hartlepool?
Rhyming name
Kids can be cruel in the school playground. Plain Jane, Charlotte the Harlot, Bendy Wendy Be aware of names that rhyme with other words.
Nouns that make sentences
What about names that form phrases when combined with your surname. I actually know a Gordon Bennett and a Rob Banks. What about Dylan Thomas, or, well, the list goes on.
Easy to spell and pronounce names
How easy is it to pronounce the name, does the first name fit with the second? The names may sound different in your head when spoken out loud – Daisy Maisie sounds silly, but Daisy Leigh or Maisie Olivia sounds cute. Are you thinking of spelling a name in an unusual way? Amy, Amie, or Aimee may refer to people as their names throughout their lives.
What about initials?
Will the first letter in your child's name be something that isn't yours? Like Edward George Green = EGG.
Meaning of Name
What does the name really mean? Would you like your son's name to mean warrior or little sheep?
There are many books whose names have a wide range of meanings. Online Mother Baby Names and Their Meaning eBook can be downloaded for free.
Name consent
If you have a child as part of a couple - remember you both have to agree on a name - if you want to drop a name - do it. There are many other names. You don't want them to insist on a name you don't like - so don't do the same to them.
write it down.
It's a good idea to make a list of possible names, and remember that you don't have to decide until after your baby is born.