The power and importance of the name
what does your name mean?
Can your name contribute to the events happening in your life? Every name is important, meaningless meaning is also meaningless. This article gives the power and importance of the name.
"A good name is better than great wealth; to be honoured is better than silver or gold." - Proverbs 22:1 (NIV)
And she will give birth to a son, and you will call his name Jesus: because He will save His people from all their sins (Matthew 1:21).
A name effectively describes you in a way that you cannot understand with your common sense. Your name doesn't just represent you, it is who you are. It's not just the combination of letters that makes up the word used to describe you, it really defines you. It is a description of your personality and it explains your characteristics. It could be a statement, a glimpse of your future, or it could be a prayer that you live up to the potential expressed in the name.
meaning of a name
Your name reflects your personality, character, values, prestige, ownership, desire and authority.
Speaking and writing "in the name" means authority - Esther 8:8
Naming something indicates your ownership of that person or thing - Genesis 2:23, Genesis 48:5-6, 16
Forgetting God's name means turning away from Him - Jeremiah 23:27
To act in the name of another person(s) is to represent them - Acts 4:7-10
To malign one's name is the destruction of man - Deuteronomy 9:14
A name indicates one's reputation (Mark 6:14) and character - Genesis 27:36
To believe in someone's name is to believe in his personality - John 1:12
Adam means red earth signifies his origin, just as man was created from the dust of the earth - Genesis 2:7. It also indicates its end; Man returns to the ground at the time of death - Genesis 3:19.
Adam was given the power to name animals and their names tell a lot about him. A lion, the mythical ruler, known as the king of the jungle, personifies wisdom, self-control, focus, courage and strength. And Christ is called the king of kings, the lion of the tribe of Judah. Also, the Hebrew name for the donkey is "chimer" from the word chimer meaning material, heavy. and donkeys are used as labour animals; It can carry heavy material comfortably.
I am who I am
When God met Moses in the burning bush and commanded him to go to rescue the Israelites, Moses asked his name if the children of Israel had asked him - Exodus 3:13. The name of God will speak of the God who promised to deliver the Israelites at the hands of Moses. And God replied, "I am what I am" - Exodus 3:14. It means he is supreme, supreme, unchanging, faithful to his word, self-proclaimed, whatever he will be to the Israelites. This explains his name Jehovah. And indeed, God lived for them according to His name, "I am," and delivered them with His outstretched hand, with great signs and wonders - Exodus 13:3, 9
The Lord was called Jesus because he saved his people from their sins - Matthew 1:21. The name of Jesus describes his purpose on earth. His entire work was to go to the cross and die so that people could be saved and reconciled to God - Romans 5:6-11. As his name predicted, he lived to the fullest and fulfilled his purpose.
effect of a name
The effect of a name is according to its use; The higher the frequency of its use, the greater the effect. The first name has a greater impact on a person than the surname. And sometimes, a nickname has a greater impact, depending on what the person does.
In addition, shortening the name reduces the effect of the name; Abbreviations of names can also be meaningless. For example, the name "Anedikachi" means "one who is like God". The abbreviation "one or onia" means "who", meaning nothing.
Furthermore, the names given by God's men and women have a dual effect on the holders: the effect of the name and the effect of the will of the holder of the name. A man of God refers to a person's relationship with God and a depth of knowledge of the power and importance of the name He is giving. Therefore, he designates the individual as the representative of the Lord, enhancing the realization of the full potential contained in the Naan.
name change
The name change can be done either by the individual or by any other person. Giving a new name by another establishes authority over the person. Whether the name change is initiated by the bearer or some other person, the change signifies a new beginning or direction in the person's life. Most of the time, change is for the better.
Abraham's name was changed from Abram to Abraham meaning "father of many nations". God changed the name of Abram (Great Father) to Abraham to fulfil the plan to multiply him and make him the father of many nations - Genesis 17:2-6. And indeed, Abraham became the father of the Israelites physically and spiritually - Galatians 3:13-14, Romans 9:6-8.
God changed her name from Sarai (strife) to Sarai meaning princess - Genesis 17:15-16. God will make Abraham the father of many nations through him and will also make him the mother of many nations; For this, the name change is necessary.
Jacob's name was changed from Jacob to Israel, meaning Prince who reigns with God. This new name came as a blessing from God when he fought with the angel of God and won - Genesis 32:26-28 and God reaffirmed it in Genesis 35:10. Jacob means provider and wherever he went, the name followed him. His brother Esau recognized the name's influence on him (Genesis 27:36). He oppressed Esau twice: He took away his birth right and blessing. But after its name change, Israel continues to triumph in life today.
His mother called him Ben-one, son of my sorrow, but his father called him Benjamin, meaning son of the right hand - Genesis 25:18. I think his father didn't want him to feel the effects of a negative name like he did.
Peter the Apostle
Jesus renamed Simon Peter, meaning rock - John 1:42, and in Matthew 16:18 Christ gave the reason for this new name; Peter was on the way to build his church and the gates of hell would not be able to prevail against him. Peter was the rock upon which the gospel of Christ grew and prevailed. He led the crusade for Christ with great power and anointing and conquered both Jews and Gentiles - Acts 2, Acts 10
What's in a name? There are many things in a name that you cannot ignore and call yourself by any name. A good name is more desirable than big wealth. My name is Ngozi which means blessing. I must say that I am very blessed and many people agree that I am a blessing to them. Your name greatly contributes to your future, so look within yourself and rethink your name.